Corporate structure

Global player

in a strong group

Redtenbacher is an important part of HANOVA Industrieholding, which also includes other companies. Like Redtenbacher, these companies are world market leaders in the production of precision parts made of metal and plastic, in the field of automated CNC production and in automated assembly.

Furthermore, the group of companies is united by leading expertise and a passion for excellence in all business areas. Redtenbacher owes its leading position in eyewear hinges on the one hand to a consistent development process that began with the founding of the company in 1651. On the other hand, the company benefits from synergies within the HANOVA Group.


three production sites and 11 sales companies

Due to our intelligent location policy, we have consistently expanded our leading position in eyewear hinges over the years. Production with state-of-the-art machines in the Czech Republic gives us cost advantages that we pass on directly to our customers. Together with our highly innovative site in Sweden and head office in Austria, we guarantee a presence in Europe and Asia and top quality all over the world.